Jumat, 06 April 2012

Kelinci Lop Biru

Gen untuk warna bulu kelinci biasa disebut alel, dimana alel bisa bersifat dominan juga bisa resesif yang akan mewariskan dari generasi kelinci ke generasi kelinci selanjutnya. Warna kelinci ada lima alel yaitu coklat, agouti, liar, pada/encer atau ekstensi dengan kode A untuk agouti, B untuk coklat, C untuk liar, D untuk padat/encer dan E untuk ekstensi. Dimana alel-alel ini akan menentukan warna yang muncul/terlihat (gen dominan) dan warna-warna yang tidak terlihat (gen resesif). Warna hitam termasuk dominan yang kemudian disusul warna coklat, biru dan ungu. Pada gambar merupakan kelinci lop warna biru hasil gen resesif.

Kamis, 05 April 2012

Memampatkan Kelinci Holland Lop

Sejarah perkelincian antara lain, kelinci Holland lop merupakan hasil utak-atik kelinci lop perancis dengan netherland dwarf oleh Andrian de cock yang selanjutnya diutak atik kembali menjadiAmerican Fuzzy Lop. Demikian pula dengan kelinci dwarf hotot merupakan hasil utak atik kelinci blance de hotot dengan netherland dwarf dan kelinci polish di Jerman Barat dan Timur waktu itu. Pada gambar merupakan hasil utak atik kelinci Holland lop dengan netherland dwarf dengan target adalah kelinci memiliki badan dan kepala yang bulat seperti kelinci Netherland Dwarf sedangkan telinganya miliki Holland Lop. Sedangkan bobotnya kelinci Netherland dwarf. Namun prototipe kelinci ini masih memerlukan waktu yang cukup panjang yakni minimal harus melalui tiga generasi.

Rabu, 04 April 2012

Kelinci Polish

Kelinci polish (atau Polandia) diduga berasal dari Belgia, dimana telah dipamerkan pada pameran kelinci di Inggris tahun 1844. Versi lain tahun 1600 menyakini kelinci polish hasil silangan kelinci Dutch dengan kelinci Himalayan. Kelinci yang dikenal sebagai aristokrat kecil, memiliki varietas warna sebanyak enam yaitu hitam, biru, coklat, putih mata ruby atau biru, broken (belang) dan lilac. Kelinci ini merupakan kelinci kecil kedua setelah kelinci netherland dwarf dengan berat sekitar 3,8 pon.

Selasa, 03 April 2012

Silangan Kelinci Satin Rex

Satin Rex adalah jenis langka yang diakui di Inggris selama bertahun-tahun. Poros bulu satinized lebih tipis dari normal (rexed) bulu, yang walaupun mengkilap, mengurangi kepadatan mantel rex.Hal ini mungkin bisa diatasi dengan menggunakan bulu kelinci rex yang padat dalam program pemuliaan. Kelinci Satin disilang dengan kelinci Rex lintas awalnya dikembangkan di Amerika Serikat pada pertengahan 1940-an, tapi tidak pernah diakui.

Senin, 02 April 2012

American Fuzzy Lop Warna Blue Tort

Kelinci American Fuzzy Lop memiliki beberapa varietas warna, salah satu yang cukup menarik dan agak sulit dijumpai adalah Blue Tortoise (kode gen warna aaB_C_ddee). Sebetulnya versi warna blue tort merupakan versi dari black tortoise. Cirinya dimana permukaan warna kebiruan pada bagian moncong/muka, telinga, kaki, ekor dan bagian bawah bokong/paha. Digambar merupakan anakan kelinci AFL usia 1 bulan yang memiliki warna blue tort.

Minggu, 01 April 2012

Varietas Warna Kelinci Netherland Dwarf

Kelinci Netherland Dwarf (ND) merupakan jenis kelinci yang paling akrab dalam hal warna. Kelinci ND memiliki varietas warna yang berbeda-beda yaitu ada 24 varietas warna. Tidak seperti jenis kelinci yang lebih besar, penampilan kelinci ND memiliki tampilan yang unik yaitu mata kecil namun berani, memiliki telinga kecil dan tubuh kecil dan kompak serta bulu yang lembut namun padat.

Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012

Kelinci Ras Holland Lop

Kelinci Holland lop berasal dari peternak  kelinci Adrian de Cock yang menggabungkan kelinci lop Perancis dengan kelinci netherland dwarf menjadi jenis baru yang disebut Holland Lop. Oleh Aleck. B membawa ke Amerika tahun 1976 dan oleh ARBA diakui di tahun 1979. Varietas warna dari kelinci Holland Lop antara lain bervariasi dari Tort, Blue, Blue / Cream, Frosted Pearl, Chocolate, Lilac, Lilac Cream, Tort Broken, Broken Blue dan berbagai warna rusak dan beberapa warna lain yang tergantung dari silangan warnanya. Pada gambar adalah kelinci holland lop dengan varietas warna broken tort.

Jumat, 30 Maret 2012

Popularitas Holland Lop Rabbit

Kelinci jenis Holland lop merupakan kelinci kecil yang memiliki bobot sekitar satu koma delapan kilogram untuk yang senior. Memiliki struktur tulang yang baik walaupun penampilannya nampak gempal dan pendek. Di bagian telinga lebar (seperti lonceng bentuknya) dan menempel di kedua pipinya. Kelinci Holland lop merupakan kelinci yang cukup popular dikalanganpeternak kelinci hias dan memiliki varietas warna sekitar 20.

Kamis, 29 Maret 2012

Kelinci Molting

Molting di kelinci adalah kejadian dimana kelinci mengalami kehilangan bulu (bulunya rontok) hingga tumbuh bulu yang baru lagi. Dimana proses atau peristiwa molting berkisar dua minggu hingga enam minggu atau bahkan bisa lebih.Molting antara kelinci yang satu dengan kelinci yang lain bervariatif . Waktu molting kelinci di musim kemarau dapat memberikan hijauan segar atau buahan segar untuk membantu recovery sistem molting pada dapat berjalan normal.

Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

American Fuzzy Lop Rabbits As Pets

Rabbits American Fuzzy Lop (AFL) has a small size which makes it ideal as a pet, such as angora rabbit fur rabbit AFL then require regular maintenance in order not matted fur coat owned real though not as soft as angora rabbit fur so in terms of easier maintenance. Various varieties of color is blue, broken, brown, chinchilla, lynx, opal, squirrel, blue-eyed white ( BEW ) white or red eye (REW), violet, weasels etc. conjoined.

Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

Cara Menilai Kelinci Rex Anda

Cara menilai kelinci rex ada tiga bagian yaitu kepala, telinga dan tubuhnya. Pada gambar merupakan bagian-bagian kelinci rex yang akan dinilai. 

Rabu, 01 Februari 2012

Rabbit Breeds (3)

While the breed of a rabbit, in most cases, has little impact on its quality as a pet, a potential owner may be interested in the adult or full grown size of the rabbit. This page lists breeds recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association, grouped by size. Small - 2 to 6 lbs (0.9-2.7 kg) American Fuzzy Lop Britannia Petite Dutch Dwarf Hotot Florida White Havana Himilayan Holland Lop Jersey Wolly Mini Lop Mini Rex Netherland Dwarf Polish Silver Tan Medium - 6 to 9 lbs (2.7-4.1 kg) American Sable Belgian Hare English angora English Spot French angora Harlequin Lilac Rex Rhinelander Satin Angora Silver Marten Standard Chinchilla Large - 9 to 11 lbs (4.1-5 kg) American American Chinchilla Beveren Californian Champagne d'Argent Cinnamon Creme d'Argent English Lop Giant Angora Hotot New Zealand Palomino Satin Silver Fox Giant - 11 lbs (5 kg) and over Checkered Giant Flemish Giant (Patagonian) French Lop Giant Chinchilla

Rabbit Breeds (2)

Giant Chinchilla 12-16 lbs (5.5-7.3 kg) Chinchilla coloration. Heavy build, rounded body. Giant Papillon 13-14 lbs (5.9-6.4 kg) White with markings - similar to English Spot except patches on sides instead of spots. Harlequin 6.5-9.5 lbs (3-4.3 kg) Black, blue, chocolate, lilac. Striking patterns alternating bands of color and white, with half the face white and the other half colored, and the ear on the white side colored, and vice versa. Havana 4.5-6.5 lbs (2-3 kg) Black, blue, chocolate. Compact, rounded body. Himilayan 2.5-4.5 lbs (1.1-2 kg) Black, blue, chocolate, lilac. Coloration develops on cooler extrmities - ears, nose, tail, feet and legs. Holland Lop Under 4 lbs (1.8 kg) Agouti, broken, pointed white, self, shaded, ticked, or wide band color groups. Muscular build, lop ears. Hotot 8-11 lbs (3.6-5 kg) White with black eye ring. Well rounded body. Jersey Wolly Under 3.5 lbs (1.6 kg) Wide variety of colors, long wooly coat. Lilac 5.5-8 lbs (2.5-3.6 kg) Lilac coloration. Compact body and dense coat. Mini Lop 4.5-6.5 lbs (2-3 kg) Agouti, broken, pointed white, self, shaded, ticked, or wide band color groups. Muscular and compact. Mini Rex 3-4.5 lbs (1.4-2 kg) Black, blue, broken group, castor, chinchilla, chocolate, himilayan, lilac, lynx, opal, red, seal tortoise, white. Netherland Dwarf Under 2.5 lbs (1.1 kg) Self group, shaded group, agouti group, tan pattern group, fawn, himilayan, orange, steel, tortoiseshell. Ears seem to short for head. New Zealand 9-12 lbs (4.1-5.5 kg) Black, red, white. Long muscular body. Palomino Under 9.5 lbs (4.3 kg) Golden, lynx. Polish Under 3.5 lbs (1.6 kg) Black, blue, chocolate, blue-eyed white, ruby-eyed white. Also has very short ears. Rex 7.5-10.5 lbs (3.4-4.8 kg) Black, black otter, blue, broken group, californian, castor, chinchilla, chocolate, lilac, lynx, opal, red, sable, seal, white. Rhinelander 6.5-10 lbs (3-4.5 kg) White with black and bright golden orange markings (6-8 round markings on each side of the back part of the body, as well as a spine marking, butterfly mark on the nose, eye circles, colord ears, and round cheek spots). Satin 8.5-11 lbs (3.9-5 kg) Black, blue, broken group, californian, chinchilla, chocolate, copper, red, siamese, white. Silver 4-7 lbs (1.8-3.2 kg) Black, brown, fawn with silver/white guard hairs. Silver Fox 9-12 lbs (4.1-5.5 kg) Jet black with silvering. Silver Marten 6-9.5 lbs (2.7-4.3 kg) Black, blue, chocolate, sable with silver-tipped guard hairs. Standard Chinchilla 5-7.5 lbs (2.3-3.4 kg) Chinchilla coloration. Rounded body. Tan 4-6 lbs (1.8-2.7 kg) Black, blue, chocolate, or lilac with tan (eye circles, nostrils, jowls, ears, backs of legs, toes, chest, belly, tail and neck collar).

Rabbit Breeds

Rabbits come in an array of breeds with different colors, sizes, shapes and coat types. The subtle differences between breeds will be of most interest to those who show their bunnies. The average owner would probably be interested mainly in size and coat type. Keep in mind that a pet store rabbit is not necessarily pure bred or at the very least may not meet the ideal breed standards. This in no way reflects on their quality as a pet, though! This guide is just meant to help potential owners sort through the sometimes confusing array of breeds. Rabbits vary in size from the smaller dwarf breeds (at under 2.5 lbs) to some of the giant breeds (sizes up to 16 pounds). Owners also need to be aware that the longer coated breeds need daily grooming. Alaskan 6-8.5 lbs (2.7-3.9 kg) Black Thick coat. Originated in Germany American 9-12 lbs (4.1-5.5 kg) Blue, white Medium build, narrow head. American Checkered Giant 11 lbs or greater (5 kg) White with black or blue markings (along spine, body spots, cheek spots, colored ears, eye circles and butterfly mark on nose). American Chinchilla 9-12 lbs (4.1-5.5 kg) Chinchilla Dense, fine hair that is smooth and glossy (1 1/4 inch long coat). Relatively round body. American Fuzzy Lop 3.5-4 lbs (1.6-1.8 kg) Variety of coat colors Compact muscular body, dense, coarse coat, and of course, ears folded over to slightly below the jaw. American Sable 7-10 lbs (3.2-4.5 kg) Sepia brown Medium build with soft, dense fine coat with coarse guard hairs. Angora Variety of sizes and colors English angora: 5-7 lbs (2.3-3.2 kgs), long silky hair. French angora: 7.5-10.5 lbs (3.4-4.8 kg) Giant Angora: 8.5 lbs (3.9 kg) and up, soft fine undercoat (wool), straight stiff guard hairs, and a wavy fluff with a guard tip inbetween. Satin Angora: 6.5-9.5 lbs (3-4.3 kg), very fine wool. Argentes 5-8 lbs (2.3-3.6 kg) Black, blue, brown, or creamy white. Belgian Hare 6-9.5 lbs (2.7-4.3 kg) Reddish tan or chestnut with slate blue undercoloring. Slender build, fairly stiff coat. Britannia Petite Under 2.5 lbs (1.1kg) Ruby eyed white, black otter, black, chestnut agouti. Slender, fine boned build with a sleek, silky coat. Californian 8-12 lbs (3.6-4.5 kg) White, with black nose, ears, feet and tail. Rounded body, medium build, and short smooth coat. Champagne d'Argent 9-12 lbs (4.1-5.5 kg) Bluish white with black hairs interspersed and slate blue undercolor. Plump body. Black at birth; white hairs start showing at about 2 months. Checkered Giant Over 11 lbs (5 kg) White with black or blue markings (along spine, body spots, cheek spots, colored ears, eye circles and butterfly mark on nose). Long, hare-like body. Chinchilla 5.5-6.5 lbs (2.5-3.1 kg) Chinchilla Fine boned. Cinnamon 8.5-11 lbs (3.9-5 kg) Rust or cinnamon color with grey ticking on back and grey on belly. Rust colored spots inside hind legs as well as butterfly mark on nose and eye rings. Creme d'Argent 8-11 lbs (3.6-5 kg) Creamy white with orange undercoat, and butterfly marking on nose. Dutch 3.5-5.5 lbs (1.6-2.5 kg) White with black, blue or brown, chocolate, steel or tortoise. The front of the face, body, and the back feet are white; the rest is colored. Dwarf Hotot Under 3 lbs (1.4 kg) White with black eye rings. Rounded body. English Lop Over 9 lbs (4.1 kg) Agouti, broken, self, shaded, ticked or wide band color groups. Very long lop ears. English Spot 5-8 lbs (2.3-3.6 kg) White with black, blue, chocolate, gold, grey, lilac or tortoise. Marking include butterfly mark on nose, colored ears, eye rings, spine marking (which is herringboned) and a spot on the cheek and a chain of spots along the body. Long arched body (like a hare). Flemish Giant (Patagonian) 13 lbs (5.9 kg) and over Black, blue, fawn, light grey, sandy, steel grey, white. Long rabbit, heavy build (but shouldn't be fat). Florida White 4-6 lbs (1.8-2.7 kg) Pure white. Rounded body. French Lop 10 lbs (4.5 kg) and over. Agouti, broken, self, shaded, ticked or wide band groups. Muscular heavy build.

Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

Rabbit Anatomy (2)

Long Legs

The hind legs are very strong and used for running while the front legs are used for placement which makes rabbits very athletic.   Their hop makes for a 1-2-3 cadence.  They can reach speeds over 20 mph for short distances, and jump as high a four feet and as broad as four feet.  The front legs are used to position themselves.  The rabbit’s paws are not padded but only covered with fur so can become sore (wire cage floors can cause this).  The nails grow continuously so have to be trimmed regularly.  If they are not it causes difficulty in walking, accompanied by pain.  The claws cannot be retracted like a cat’s.  The hock joints are like our ankles and it is here they rest their weight.  Rabbits in the wild use foot thumping to warn other rabbits in the burrow, but domestic rabbits will stomp occasionally for other reasons besides fear (like to let you know they are not happy with you).  Their position for being alert is when they stand upright and look around.

Fur Coats

Rabbit fur pelts have clothed humans throughout history.  The under coat is soft, short and helps insulate the body.  The surface hairs are long and will molt at least once a year.  The skin is very sensitive and susceptible to infection when scratched.

Scent Glands

The main scent glands are located under the chin and release an oily substance undetected by humans.  Your rabbit will “chin” everything in its environment (including you).  There are also anal glands used for scenting the fecal pellets in order to mark territory, and inguinal glands which the doe uses to mark her kits.  If the male’s scent glands gets clogged up they will give off a musky smell.


Famous for their fecundity, a doe rabbit is sexually mature at three-and-a-half months, the male at four months.  Gestation period is only about 30 days.  The doe averages 5 - 6 kits per litter.  Sexually she operates by "reflex ovulation" (does not ovulate until after intercourse).  The incidence of uterine cancer is very high if the doe is not spayed (around 5 - 6 months is best).  Bucks reach sexual maturity a month or so after puberty.  Bucks will run circles around your foot and may even try to mount your ankle until neutered.


This overview of the rabbit’s anatomy should help you respect its vulnerability.  Being a prey animal does not necessarily mean your bunny is a frail animal.  On the contrary, treated lovingly and properly, your rabbit’s anatomy should remain intact and unhurt throughout its life.  We hope we have stimulated your interest to study more in depth the uniqueness of your rabbit’s anatomy.